The Seven Lamps of Architecture. John Ruskin. 1889
Seven Lamps of Architecture / Семь светочей архитектуры |
John Ruskin / Джон Рёскин |
Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent, 1889 (sixth edition) |
223 страницы |
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Chapter I. The Lamp of Sacrifice. 8
II. The Lamp of Truth. 29
III. The Lamp of Power. 70
IV. The Lamp of Beauty. 103
V. The Lamp of Life. 148
VI. The Lamp of Memory. 176
VII. The Lamp of Obedience. 199
Appendix I. 215
ІІ. 218
III. 219
IV. 220
V. 221
I. Ornaments from Rouen, St. Lo, and Venice. to face page 27
II. Part of the Cathedral of St. Lo, Normandy.53
III. Traceries from Caen, Bayeux, Rouen, and Beauvais. 59
IV. Intersectional Mouldings. 66
V. Capital from the Lower Arcade of the Doge’s Palace, Venice. 89
VI. Arch from the Façade of the Church of San Michele at Lucca. 92
VII. Pierced Ornaments from Lisieux, Bayeux, Verona, and Padua. 95
VIII. Window from the Ca’ Foscari, Venice. 97
IX. Tracery from the Campanile of Giotto, at Florence. Title page
X. Traceries and Mouldings from Rouen and Salisbury. 126
XI. Balcony in the Campo St. Benedetto, Venice. 136
XII. Fragments from Abbeville, Lucca, Venice, and Pisa. 155
XIII. Portions of an Arcade on the South Side of the Cathedral of Ferrara. 168
XIV. Sculptures from the Cathedral of Rouen. 173
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